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Who we are is in what we do!


What we want is to bring life, thus peace, love thus bliss to everyone by fulfilling our roles, our missions in our lives. What is the best for us is the best for everyone. What is the best for everyone, is the best for us! We are not all one, but we are in perfect oneness! Thus we live!


Currently, our mission is to go to Antarctica and explore its ancient mysteries and reveal it's hidden knowledge for wellbeing of everyone, including our planet!


Why or what would one hope to find there you might ask. After years of study we conclude that it might hide one of the lost advanced civilizations alikes which we have not seen since. We want to reveal to whole world our ancient and surely humble, yet very advanced ways of living. All our known ancient civilizations have learned from or even originate in some form or other from land of Mu or Antarctica as it's known now. And there were others.

I feel there is much to explore for wellbeing of us all.


We wish to gather a small team to take on this task and venture out there to see for ourselves as individuals in oneness with everyone and everything. By that i mean whatever benefits us truly, will benefit our planet, nature and whole rest of our galaxy, universe and so on. So we should not hold back in seeking what's the best for us. By that i mean do not hold back on taking good care and loving yourself. You need it, we all need it. Everything around us would benefit from clear minded people in attune with love. This would lead us to cleaner technology designed for peaceful purposes because it would be inspired by love. So please join us in our mission, however you can. Lets bring life and love back to this Earth!


For our team we need love guided people, inspired to do what is right to come together as one family. Some of you are out there who'se life's mission it is. And so many of you we need to support us to get the necessary means to make this mission happen!


Knowledge of Antarctica, it's climate, it's sea conditions, equipment, funding and and all help is welcome! We also need a ship equipped for underwater explorations and a trip to Antarctica. Remember, help yourself, and you help everyone!


God bless us all, may your love guide us and protect us!

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